So I'm having my language study time on Monday and I'm learning different phrases to help me out at the market. Things like "I want a banana", " How much is that". "That's too much". "What is that?" Things like this. So my helper pretends to be a seller and I went up to her feeling fairly confident. Now, Randy and his helper had joined us to see how well I was doing. So I went up to Helena and said, very confidently, "Anoa ve akondro". All of a sudden Harri and Helena busted out laughing, that's never a good sign. "What, what is it? That's what YOU told me to say!" "No", said Helena. "I told you to say Anoavy Akondro". "That's what I said!" "NO, you said, "anoa VE akondro" "oh, ......what did i say?" Helena, "you said, "I AM A BANANA". Well, atleast I said it with confidence! So, that's what I had to share for today. Anyone getting hungry for a banana?
Over and out
Meg the banana