didn't have Randy read through this first so you'll have to deal with the smelling....wait....i mean spelling.....errors!
June 19, 2011
I have to apologize for not blogging in a few weeks. I've been feeling so many emotions that I've chosen, at times, to just turn them off and be emotionally constipated.
Today my baby turned 5 years old! I can't believe it! What will my roll be when we get back to the states? I've been a stay at home mom in the states for 5 years and now I'm going back to the states with my boys in school full time! It's like, in a way, I have a clean chalk board and I'm not sure what my roll of “Mom” will look like in this stage of life.
June 24, 2011
New thought...
It's life. I know. I remember one of our missionaries saying that being a missionary is a life of “goodbyes”. His father than corrected him and said, “No son, it's a life of “hellos”. These last weeks I am constantly reminding myself that I do not have to dread people being in my life for short chapters at a time. I can look at it as a painful privaledge; a time to grow and mature and invest in each others lives.
My friend, Fiona, was reading a Dr. Suess book to our kids the other night. In the cover of the book it read, “Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened”. ….
I think I'll do both.