Aug 6, 2011
So I have been going through ALL the children's books I have, wanting to thin them down to 1/3 of what I now have. I had chosen about 50 books I wanted to get rid of. I was going to take them to a thrift store but saw that someone was having a yard sale down the street from us. So I thought I'd make a sign and put the books out to see if I could make a buck or two. My neighbor stopped by and bought 6 books. She gave both the boys $5.00 as the books were, technically, their books. The boys were VERY excited and used that money to buy things for their fish (that they won at the fair last night). Later we were in the house playing with a friend and her son that stopped by. Randy was in the bedroom and looked out the window. There was a man looking through the books. Randy went out to chit chat with him. He asked about old books. Chit chat...chit chat.... Eventually he said that the only reason he stopped by was that God had told him to. Apparently he and his wife had gone through some rough times in the past and so when he sees someone selling things he will often stop by and see what their story is. Randy explained to him that we had just gotten back from Madagascar and that I wanted to thin down our STUFF. The man then picked out a book and said, “I want to buy this book, but this is all the money I have on me, I'd like you to have it”. Randy thanked him and the man drove away. When Randy finally counted the wad of money it was $20.00. Wow. I was speechless. We called the boys in, and my friend and her son, and told them what had just happened. We then stopped and prayed over this man that the Lord would conintue to bless him with money to bless others and that we would learn from this man's generosity and do the same in return.